Monday, December 11, 2006

Archeology Project Photos

Sunday mornings are generally quiet inside Vista Studios, even when Wim is having one of his exhibitions. I am usually there alone, working, for hours before another artists arrives. There is a skylight over the atrium. The diffused lighting is great. The space is large. So, I took advantage of this time.
Alex and Steve helped me move our the oak table top from the dining room. The table was a gift from my Great Aunt Janet and Uncle Howard. We've always used it; I truly love its nice, stained wood surface. It was the perfect size, the perfect finish, and was easy to position on my rolling cart once we arrived in the gallery. Steve and Alex went back home so that I could take my time arranging the three vintage suitcases and their contents. I ended up with 110 textiles, 125 small objects (painted and stitched wooden spools and the cute nuts& bolts with yarn), 125 paper pieces, and five books. Technically, I'm still working on a sixth book. I had aimed for more paper pieces, but I obviously don't need more for now! Most of the textiles and all of the paper pieces are completely decorated on both sides.
I spread everything out and then took my tripod and camera up the ladder for a better vantage point. Here are four of the many shoots. I called Steve and Alex to come back, asking that they come before I dismantled the installation. I know that I really only need to please myself with my artwork. I know that I shouldn't allow others to undermine my confidence. I know that I am doing the best I can, that I will naturally improve, and the work I make is GOOD. Yet, living and creating all by myself, just for myself, isn't really enough. It isn't the whole picture either. I needed to share this special piece with my supportive family. I am thrilled to post the images and share it with others. I look forward to comments.
Steve and Alex came, of course, and admired the entire installation from every angle. They helped me pack it all away. Steve suggested the photo of the suitcases after everything was back inside. This project will likely not get a proper place to be shown this January at I. Pinckney Simon's Gallery, but it was still worth making and definitely worth setting up for the pictures.
I still want more. I am thrilled with what I have, but it is still only part of my vision. I can see the canvas tent; a make-shift desk overflowing with paperwork and mysterious maps; a collection of strange, handmade "archeology" tools; and an entire "campsite" for the fictional archaeologist who collects artifacts from imaginary cultures. Hopefully, these images will help me find a way to work toward this ultimate goal and find the museum/upscale (NYC) gallery in which to show it all.

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