Monday, February 05, 2007

We are going to Birmingham on Friday

This week is already in a whirlwind of activity. Steve and I are headed to Birmingham, England on Friday to see Mathias in Cyrano and to see Birmingham Royal Ballet (BRB) in a Stravinsky triple bill. Mathias is not cast in the later; he is only a "cover". Yet, in Cyrano he is dancing several parts and with the "first" cast. One scene features a sword fight. Obviously, the cast is all male. Yet, only Mathias is a member of the corps. He's quite happy about this. He said that tomorrow is a performance for critics and to be televised. I guess this might be called "dress rehearsal" but he said that they were already in costumes--or at least in partial costumes, like wigs and other props. I'm really not sure. Steve and I intend to learn more about how a production like this unfolds. We are also planning a day trip to Worcester. Steve is quite excited as we own a book about the cathedral. Of course, our book was published in 1836. Likely, nothing much about the architecture, art, and sculpture has changed much in the past 170 years. It could be really fun to take digital images of the same interior or exterior scene for comparison to the 19th engraving. We plan to take the book along, like our guide book or something!

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